Blockchain Award

BitHub Africa wins Award at the Global Blockchain Congress 2018

We are thrilled to announce that BitHub Africa was awarded as the, Most Promising Blockchain Accelerator, at the Global Blockchain Congress 2018 that was held in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa on July 16 & 17, 2018. The Global Blockchain Awards are designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding achievements in the adoption of Blockchain technology. The congress…

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Bitcoin leaders come together to drive Blockchain adoption across Africa

On Thursday 15th December 2016 BitHub.Africa hosted a Bitcoin meetup in Nairobi. It was a great meet up that saw it graced by guest speakers like Sinclair Skinner, the enthusiastic African-American who gave us a scintillating account on the proper orientation of technology, Alakanani, the effusive Bitcoinlady who was quite poignant on the stark difference…

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The Blockchain Opportunity in Africa!

Africa is leapfrogging traditional and legacy banking payments systems in use in much of the developed World through fast adoption of mobile and internet based technology. Cutting edge blockchain technology such as Bitcoin has great potential in creating efficiency and disrupting traditional mechanisms for international trade, resource management, and governance where current transaction costs are…

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DotFinanceAfrica Blockchain Panel

BitHub Africa at Dot Finance Africa Conference

BitHub.Africa recently attended the Dot Finance Africa conference in Nairobi Kenya. The 2 day conference on 4th and 5th May touched on the financial technology and banking sectors with a focus on solutions for Africa. Our Founder John Karanja was both a Speaker and Panelist and shared a stage with Chris Skinner, Jon Matonis and…

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